360 Skills For Life
Beyond boundaries: 360 Skills For Life’s innovative learning adventure
Immersive game based learning
SafeWise, a not-for-profit with physical training centres, was forced to close during the COVID-19 pandemic, and ultimately folded. Two years later saw the birth of 360 Skills For Life: a dynamic community interest company with a bold mission to deliver online training for Key Stages 2 and 3 within a virtual landscape.
Our task was simple yet powerful: to create an exclusively online immersive journey that taught schoolchildren essential life skills, from road safety and bullying, to understanding and recognising the risks of drink, drugs, gangs and crime.
With support from NHS England, 360 Skills for Life secured funding for the present and a vision for future expansion. The enterprise aimed to comprehensively cover life skills from the earliest years up to the age of 21. The environment deliberately used existing school hardware rather than new, expensive headsets to maximise access and keep the emphasis on collaborative real-world learning.
The magic of digitisation lies in its ability to break barriers. In the digital realm, there are no limitations – no bounds on capacity, distance or location.